Low carb is best, keto is best, vegan is best, carb cycling and fasting is best--am I the only one who's going crazy with how many different "best" ways there are to eat?!
There was a time in my late teens to mid 20's where I wrestled with the worst body image. I was constantly yo yo dieting and chasing the latest quick fix to "finally" get my body to where I thought it needed to be. It wasn't until a few years ago when I promised myself I would stop trying to copy what works for others and learn what works for my body. In doing this, I've found that my body actually thrives on a moderate amount of protein, fat, and carbs (no extremes). White rice is a daily staple and I tend to eat my first meal at noon. I'm the healthiest mentally, physically, and emotionally I've ever been. Yet I've been the most at ease with my "un-diet." I have friends who found they thrive on keto, paleo, or vegan.
One of our shared principles is reducing added sugar when possible and to eat wholesome, natural foods 80% of the time.
I believe in taking a balanced and realistic approach to living a healthy life. We're in an interesting day in age where we have access to so much conflicting information that we get stuck trying everything or nothing at all. Prymal as a brand embraces this concept of a personalized, slow and steady process--take time to figure out one little things that makes you feel energized, motivated and inspired to live your best life. Then, add one more. Then another.
We've all been in that place (hello, New Years Resolution!) trying to change 10 things all at once and we end up falling off the bandwagon. At Prymal, our only job is to provide you with incredible choices that taste great and happen to be amazing for you. For example, eat the blueberry muffin you love but bring your own creamer to the coffee shop. It's tiny tweaks like this that add up to make a big difference over time.